
Kids at Heart: 3 Products for Children That Adults Love Too!

Picture it: you’re in the store with your kids as they inspect the toy shelves when something catches your eye. No one else is around, so you sidle up to it and pick it up--yeah, it’s a toy, but you have kids! You’re definitely getting it for them...or are you?

If you’ve done it, don’t feel bad--everyone has. Even if you don’t have children, there are just some things that are too fun to miss out on, regardless of your age. No shame, no guilt!

In fact, here are 3 products that are known to appeal to our inner children, and while they are usually marketed at kids, it’s okay to pick them up for yourself. No one here is going to judge, guaranteed.

The Fidget Spinner

Hand LED Fidget Spinner

There’s something irresistible about a fidget spinner, and long after children get bored with them, adults are still carrying them around in pockets and purses and briefcases or have a couple stuffed in desk drawers and pencil baskets.

You know what?That’s okay. As it turns out, fidget spinners actually can be beneficial to LED Fidget Spinneradults by giving restless or bored energy an outlet. Do you tend to play with your hair or bite your nails when you’re anxious? Do you run for the snack drawer at work when you’re bored? Using a fidget spinner or other fidget toy can decrease those habits and replace them with something completely innocuous.

Besides, it’s kinda fun! Honestly, it’s good to know that it can be helpful for when you’re trying to explain to someone why you’re balancing a fidget spinner on the tip of your finger, but you don’t need any other reason beyond enjoying it.

The Coloring Book

Giant Frameable Coloring Poster for Adults

There's a lot of attention on being mindful these days, and with good reason. Mindfulness, or the act of focusing on the moment, appears to improve focus, problem solving skills, and our mental health.

Child ColoringDid you color when you were a kid? Do you remember those moments, laying on the floor or sitting at your desk with a coloring book and crayons? If you did, you can probably remember details like the smells around you, the feeling of the crayon in your hand, the colors on the page--as a child, we tend to be more innately mindful.

Coloring as an adult can bring us back to that state, and it's been shown to reduce anxiety (no, really!) and create focus. Adult coloring books haveGiant Frameable Coloring Poster hit the market full swing in the past year, and there's never been a better time to try it out.

Grab some coloring pages and some colored pencils and allow yourself the time to just enjoy it. Or if you have children, sit down with them the next time they're coloring and color alongside them; you'll both find it rewarding!



Practical & Fun Gadgets

When it comes to getting in touch with your inner child, though; few things work more effectively than some fun gadgets. You've been there, right? There's a moment when you open a new device or a new toy where your eyes light up like a kid and you want to poke at it and find out just how it works and all the things you can do with it.

DroneFor some, it's robotics: drones and remote control cars are fun to play with, no matter your age. For others, it's kitchen gadgets, for cooking or serving or just showing off. Whatever gadgets you like, there's always something to make you grin like a child. 

And you know what? That's a really good thing. As adults, we get so caught up in the stress of our every day lives that we forget what it's like to just be happy, to find contentment in the small things. You deserve those moments of childlike glee, of peaceful mindfulness.

So go ahead, indulge. Find that toy that appeals to you (don't worry about the kids, they'll be fine!) and enjoy!

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