
Awesome Last-Minute Valentine's Date Ideas

If you plan on spending Valentine's Day with your signficant other and you don't have an idea yet, now is the time! Don't panic, it's cool--we got you covered. 

The important thing is to think about what your date will like. Something romantic? Something exciting? Something sweet? Once you've figured that out, coming up with an idea will be easy.

Drive Down Memory Lane

Valentine's Day Gifts

This one couldn't be easier, but you can have a lot of fun with it. If you and your significant other have been together a while, think of some of the places that mean something to the both of you.

Maybe there's a spot where you both loved the view or the place where you first met. You might remember your first date location or the moment you realized how much you cared for each other.

Make a list of those places and then go for a drive! Surprise your sweetheart with each stop, recalling why it matters. You can even take a picture together at each spot. 

If you can, rent a fabulous car for the fun of it, too!

Live it Live

Looking for something that's fun and exciting? Find a live performance going on in your area. This could be anything, but you might have to keep a fairly open mind...

Check for local concerts, comedians, plays, poetry readings, even karaoke bars! You never know what you'll find, and there's something energizing about being at a live show, even if it's not what you expect--maybe especially when it's not what you expect.

Theodor Reik quote

Cook Something--But Be Smart

It's almost overdone, butcooking a meal for your significant other is still a great way to spend an evening IF you're smart about it. Seriously, don't let your Valentine's Day turn into a bad romcom.

First, pick something easy. Don't do anything overly complicated if you don't usually cook. One-pot meals are ideal. Slow-cooker meals are even better. Anything that lets you throw a bunch of ingredients in and cook by itself is perfect.

Second, pick something that isn't terribly messy. Or, you know, will make your breath smell. And finally, don't forget to set the mood, but don't be overly cheesy. A flower, a candle, a clean house. That's all you need.

Valentine's Day doesn't have to be complicated to be great, just don't overthink it!

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