We promised you more on getting to know our team of Karma Kiss writers, and today, we’re introducing you to Amy! All of our writers bring a little something special to the table, and we are here to show you why we chose fabulous Amy to be part of the team. Kick back with a cup of lemonade, and enjoy.

Amy, where are you from?
“I am from Wichita, Kansas. My favorite thing about my town was having all my grandparents, aunts, and cousins in town.”
What is your favorite mobile device App to stay organized?
“My favorite app to stay organized is the calendar function on G+. I enter important dates about kids activities and other upcoming info into a shared Google calendar where my hubby can also keep track of the dates.”
What is a piece of advice that you’d like to share to any first time parent?
“Start sleeping now!”
What do you like to do when you’re not working – Hobbies?
“I like to read, sew, and do crafts. I get to be a kid chauffeur and do my reading in the car waiting.”
Describe your dream place for peace and quiet.
“We just got back from a Spring Break family trip to Florida. I would like to live at Discovery Cove in Orlando. Dolphins, never-ending ice cream bars, and a private cabana. 40 degree weather back home in the real world was notfun.”
Where were you the first time you had your first kiss. EVER?
“Too old to remember. I think the statute of limits runs out at 30 years.”
Besides your cellphone, what other gadget can you not live without?
“A crockpot! “
What music do you listen to while you’re pining away at work?
“KidzBop, Megan Trainor, Dozier, soundtrack to the new Annie movie, Christina Perri – Just to name a few.”
If we were to run into you at a coffee shop, deep into a good book, what would you be reading?
“Martha Stewart Living, Real Simple, Rachel Ray or Food Network magazines.”
What is your favorite thing about being on the Karma Kiss team?
“Seeing all the fun gadgets and home gift ideas. Being part of a virtual team lets me keep writing and be a mom at home.”
Thank you for taking the time to let us get to know you better, Amy. We value your hard work, and look forward to reading more of your posts! We love all of the quirky little gadgets in the shop too, and you’re part of the reason why we do what we do!
We’ve got one more
Karma Kissstar to introduce you to, and we’ll be sharing our interview next week! Until then, get to shopping and checking out all of our new arrivals on
Karma Kiss!
The post 10 Things to Know About Amy appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
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