
Getting to Know Nadia

Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Ciao, Dia duit!

We have decided to spice things up a bit, here on KarmaKiss, and wanted you to mingle with our hard working and talented writers! Sit back, grab a cup of your favorite drink, and get to know Nadia.


So Nadia, where are you from? What do you love most about your town?

“I live in Los Angeles and love that while I’m in the city, I’m so close to nature at any moment, whether it’s hiking trails, the beach, or a bit of a drive out to the desert or mountains.”

As a modern day working woman, what is your favorite mobile device App to stay organized?

“I use two: and Sunrise. is a to-do list app that lets me digitally scratch things off my list — perfect for when I don’t have pen and paper with me. Sunrise is a calendar app I prefer to Apple’s calendar because it has a cleaner design.”

What types of restaurants do you go to, to curb your sweet tooth cravings?

“I’m a big fan of ice cream, so I’m always in search of a gelato shop where I can satisfy sweet cravings. I also am a fan of donuts and pastries, but many shops close down in the afternoon since baked goods are traditionally considered breakfast food. There’s nothing worse than having a donut craving, only to realize there’s no 24-hour shop nearby!” *sad face*

What is your favorite desktop computer brand?

“I haven’t used a desktop computer in years! But I do use a MacBook Pro.”

If you were surrounded in a room full of plush animals, which ones would you take home with you – Unicorn, Hedgehog, or Giraffe?

“This is a tough question. Each has its own magical merits. But probably the giraffe, because it has the most interesting — and least prickly — silhouette.”

Besides your cell phone, what other gadget can you not live without?

“I’m not huge into gadgets — I tend to adopt new technology later once I know it’s sticking around for a while — but I am glued to my laptop for work and TV watching.”

What do you listen to while you’re pining away at work?

“I like all kinds of music, so it’s hard to say. One day might be indie rock, the next might be punk, the next might be hip hop. I switch it up between music and podcasts to keep myself focused and entertained while I work.”

If we were to run into you at a coffee shop, deep into a good book, what would you be reading?

“Anything fiction from the last 10 years (like Gone Girl) or contemporary classics.”

Can we get a round of applause for Nadia? We already put her through the mud working with our…colorful personalities, and we’re so thankful she agreed to sit down with us for a few questions. Thanks, Nadia – Now get back to work! Just joking, really! We really couldn’t make this all happen without the creative input of our writers like Nadia, and thought you could also appreciate our carefully hand-picked team members, that bring you top notch gift ideas and more!

Stay tuned to read about another amazing Karma Kiss writer – Amy!

The post Getting to Know Nadia appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

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