
3 Perfect Parents' Day Gifts

Did you know that Parents' Day is a thing? It is, and this year it's Sunday, July 23rd. If you're looking for a way to score brownie points with your folks (or if you'd like to give your own kids a little shove in the right direction for yourself!), having a good idea for a surprise gift certainly couldn't hurt, and you can't go wrong with one of these gifts.

LED Nightlight Woodland Twilight

Woodland Twilights Bird

Imagine it: it's the middle of the night and you're on your way to the bathroom (or kitchen--no one here's judging). You know what it's like to navigate the nighttime maze of furniture in the dark, right? You never know when you're going to misjudge the distance to that sideWoodland Twilights Bunny table with corners like daggers or when you'll step on that kid's toy or dog's bone. 

Now imagine the same walk with an adorable, soft but bright bunny light. No maze, no surprises, just a cute, portable nightlight you can leave anywhere in the house or take with you wherever you're headed.

The Woodland Twilight lights come in a variety of cute creatures: get just the one or two you want to give (or keep!), or grab up the entire collection to illuminate your home, porch, or patio!

Surya Decorative Pillow

Surya Decorative Life is Beautiful Pillow

People love pillows. There probably hasn't ever been a study done to prove that, but it seems like a fairly reasonable conclusion. Combine Surya Decorative Sunflower Pillowdecorative pillows with simple, beautiful designs and a level of comfort that will allow you to rest easily even on a throw pillow, and that's what you get with Surya Decorative Pillows.

From the simple and chic Life is Beautiful typographic design above to the fun, happy Bright Sunflower one (pictured left), finding the right style is easy. Find the one that matches the look you want, and it'll always be a home run of a gift.

Giant Frameable Color Poster for Grown-Ups

Giant Frameable Grown-Up Coloring Poster - La vie est Belle

Adult coloring books have really taken off in the past year for a reason: it's a relaxing, creative outlet that doesn't take a lot of money or skill or time to do. There is something legitimately calming about picking up a marker or a colored pencil and coloring a picture, and there's this comfortable nostalgia if you enjoyed coloring as a kid, too.

Giant Frameable Grown-Up Coloring Poster - Happy PatchworkGiant Color Posters for Grown-Ups takes it to a whole new level. You get the same fun, relaxing experience of coloring, but when you're done, you have a poster perfect for framing and hanging on your wall.

Talk about relaxation and satisfaction: when you hang your picture up on the wall, that's a great feeling of having completed something cool. Totally worth it.

There's two designs: La vie est Belle (French that translates to "life is beautiful") and Happy Patchwork. Find the one that speaks to you or go for both. Give it as a gift, or color it and frame it and give the completed work as a gift--either way, it's a great choice.

Whether or not Parents' Day becomes a regular celebration for you or you enjoy it just this once, go for a great gift for your parents or for yourself!





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