Earth Day: 10 Practical Ways You Can Save The Environment

It’s not a secret that the Earth is slowly changing; to be specific, degrading. We’ve heard all about it in the news: climate change, greenhouse gasses, and the gradual depletion of the natural resources we have forgotten to replenish over time. The sad stories of earthquakes, tsunamis, harsh storms and surprisingly strange weather occurrences are becoming more and more common. But there’s still hope. If we could change some of the ways we were accustomed to, we might get to live in a planet where there are less threats and more comfort, especially for the future generation.

Karma Kiss celebrates Earth Day, and as we head on to a new season, we may perhaps take a handful from these reminders and contribute to the Earth’s well-being. We have listed 10 (taken from the many) smart ways to ease energy consumption and make use of nature’s own help in making our lives more convenient.

1. Plant a tree. It was said that “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The other best time is now.” Let’s fill our backyard with plants; vegetation, flowery plants, and so on. Other than they provide you crops, you get more oxygen boosts (they transform the bad Carbon Dioxide into your breathable air).

2. Launder when you have full load. Filling your washing machine tub with water uses liters and liters of the precious H20. If you’ve got little stuff to wash, do it manually. Also, wash in either cold or warm; stop switching cycles. This will save you 100,000 barrels of oil a day!

3. Change your bulbs. Replace your common light bulb with the more efficient compact fluourescent lights. If everyone in the US does this, the energy saved is equivalent to taking away 1 million carss from the roads.

4. Be prim on paper. US companies throw 21 million tons of paper each year. In order to cut this in half, print or use both sides of paper. Take them to the recycling bin whenever you’re finished. This tip is also helpful when recycling newspaper.

5. Bottled water? Use an alternative. About 90%of plastic water bottles are not recycled, and it’s quite unfortunate, for it takes years–thousands of years–for these materials to decompose. Instead of buying bottled water, purchase a reusable container and fill it before leaving your home. You’re saving a few bucks from your wallet too!

6. Recycle wire hangers. Because they’re made out of steel, they’re not often takent in by recycling programs. The good thing is, there are dry cleaners who accepts them to reuse or recycle.

7. Washing your car? Go to a pro. Companies offering car washes are efficient with consuming water. If everyone in the US uses car washing companies rather than doing the chore by themselves, we can save about 8 billion gallons of water!

8. Utilize the power of Internet. Dowload softwares online. Pay your bills online. Use e-tickets. Cut down paper subscriptions and junk mail. The cost of processing these activities with paper can be reduced, and we’re also saving 18.5 million trees with our paperless transactions.

9. Telecommute. Working from home, even for some portions of the week, can help you save on money and on gas. Plus, you get to work in your pajamas.

10. Give stuff away. Too much is never good. When you’ve got so much more in your hands, it means that you’re taking what’s meant for another person.Take what’s enough and give away unwanted belongings for someone else to recycle.

More of these tips on: 50 Ways To Help The Planet

The post Earth Day: 10 Practical Ways You Can Save The Environment appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

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