
Earth Day 2013

April 22nd marks the annual observance of Earth Day. This is an occasion that is celebrated across the world. The idea is to bring awareness and support to environmental concerns. With so many challenges to keeping our environment safe, Earth Day stands as a constant reminder of the vigilance that is necessary in order to maintain a healthy place to live.

The celebration is often a festive and educational experience. Karma Kiss, of course, is well positioned to help you mark the occasion properly and in style. Not only does Karma Kiss have a wide selection of unique items that can certainly be utilized to recognize Earth Day, but happen to be environmentally friendly as well.

Green and Crafty

Remake It! Magazine Envelopes
Take, for example, the Remake It! Magazine Envelopes. This is exactly the type of unique and productive item that can be found at Karma Kiss. With this item, you can make use out of all those old magazines and newspapers that have been accumulating.

Instead of adding more waste to the environment, you can take your Remake it! kit and use the material to create stylish envelopes and greeting cards. Just think of the possibilities. Instead of having to purchase these items, you can now create your own.

For certain, recipients will appreciate the personal touch that such items present. Plus, in the spirit of Earth Day, you will be doing your part to help preserve the environment. In short, it’s a win/win situation.

Promote Earthly Awareness in Style

Eco Snoopers - Hippo Plush Backpack
Speaking of win/win situations, how about a great gift item that also provides the opportunity to teach the young ones about environmental preservation? Such is the case with the Eco Snoopers – Hippo Plush Backpack.

These are a line of backpacks for children that feature a colorful and fun animal character. The animal is actually removable, so kids will have a travel companion that they will come to adore. The kids will simply love the stylish appeal that these packs present.

Additionally, each of these packs is created from either recycled and/or environmentally safe materials. This gives you the perfect opportunity to discuss the importance of being responsible when it comes to the environment.

Each pack/animal also comes with a biography of sorts that even explains what type of Eco-friendly activities the character enjoys. When it comes to commemorating the spirit behind Earth Day, Eco Snoopers products are definitely in line with the idea.

Earthen Renewal

Grow It! Herb Garden
Another great item that is perfect for Earth Day celebrations is the Grow It! Herb Garden. Sometimes, something that is rather simple speaks volumes when it comes to value. Such is the case with this item. Basically, what you have is a gift box that contains an assortment of herb seeds.

From basil and parsley to thyme and rosemary; you will have every essential herb that is ideal for cooking or medicinal purposes. This is getting back to nature at its very foundation.

Planting gardens not only is a benefit for the environment, but provides you with natural ingredients that are great for a variety of purposes. You do not have to be a gardener to appreciate the opportunity that this wonderful gift item presents.


Recycled Cat Butts Coin Purse
And then there is the Recycled Catt Butts Coin Purse. Ok, the name of the product is pretty funny and you are not actually purchasing something that is made from the hind quarters of a cat. Rather the play on words refers to the handy ‘field guide’ feature on the front panel of the coin purse that identifies 5 types of cats from behind.

This is potentially useful information in case you need a quick identification of a feline moving away from you. Nevertheless, this item is also a functional and handy coin purse.

This coin purse is made from recycled material and is completely Eco-friendly. Cute, useful, practical and environmentally friendly – that is an impressive check list by any means.

Environmentally Friendly at Karma Kiss

This short list of possible gift items provides you just the smallest of views of what Karma Kiss has to offer. As Earth Day approaches, you don’t want to be left without at least some small token to mark the occasion.

Fortunately, when it comes to environmentally friendly, fun and unique gifting options, Karma Kiss is the only reasonable destination that can satisfy your needs. Appreciation and Eco-recognition will result with the appropriate Karma Kiss gift selection.

Thanks to Виталий Смолыгин for sharing Our Planet On A Palm.

The post Earth Day 2013 appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

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