Easiest Holiday Decorating

So your house probably isn’t on the cover of a magazine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t impress your friends and family this holiday season with your decorating sense.

Don’t stress yourself out, though–there are quick, easy ways to make it look like you suddenly became a designer.

Lights!Find the Perfect Lamp

Old-Fashioned or Soft Light Lamps

A little less crafty, a little more clever for this trick. You can set the mood with lights by switching out some lamps or even just light bulbs.

If you can find some, pick up some old-fashioned looking lamps. You can find these as candle holders that you light with a small votive-sized candle or the electric, fire-free kind. Switch out your lamps for a few of these and suddenly your house feels more festive. Ta-da.

Can’t find old-fashioned lamps or just don’t want to go through that kind of trouble? Use dimmer light bulbs. The thing about holiday lighting is that it’s usually about a cozy glow rather than a blind-your-face brightness. Switch the bulbs out in your current lamps for some slightly less bright. Easy.

Frosted Jars & Candles

CandlesTalk about a classy look for virtually no effort–this little hack is practically cheating. Don’t worry, we won’t tell a soul!

Buy some frosted jars at a craft supply store (you can even make your own if you’re feeling especially crafty) in assorted sizes and get some candles to match. Slip the candles down inside and light them.

The frosted glass diffuses the light and provides a warm, soft glow rather than sharp, direct light. It’s an instantly cozy arrangement!

Stick ‘Em in a Bottle

Or vase or jar: basically, grab a string of lights and put them in vases or string them together on bottles or jars, putting a small handful of the lights in each container and then lining the containers up together.

Simple, genius, festive. The best ideas are made of these.


OrnamentOrnaments are a staple for trees and wreaths and sometimes on the wall, but man, there’s got to be something a little more creative you can do with them, right? Of course!

5 Second Centerpiece

Are you ready for this? Time yourself. Okay, 5 seconds might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I’m willing to bet it’ll take you longer to gather the items you need than to actually make the centerpiece.

Take any kind of tray, plate, bowl, vase–any decorative containter, really–line it with a few piece of tissue paper, evergreen branches, or tinsel, then add assorted ornaments gently piled on each other.

Think fruit basket only a lot shinier and less edible. Put this in the center of some of those frosted lights or light-filled jars from above, and you’ve got a table to designed to impress.

Hanging from a Chandelier–Sort Of

Ornaments are made to be hung, but that doesn’t mean you have to hang them on a tree or a wreath, right? Try tying long ribbons to them and hanging them from the ceiling.

This does take a little more effort, but if you’re looking for a show stopper, this will definitely do it. You can hang them together in clusters so they’re closely bunched or spread them out on different lengths of ribbon like shiny indoor snowflakes.

Holiday decorating seems like such a chore, but take these ideas and add your own spin to them, or let them help you think of some more creative, easy ways to decorate.

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And hey, if you find a great trick or a good way to use some of our favorite Karma Kiss items (you can check them out in the link above!), tag us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and hashtag #allgiftythings so we can see your cool decorating hack.

The post Easiest Holiday Decorating appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

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