
Get Your Hands on Some Fun Tech Toys!

There's something undeniably fun about getting your hands on anew gadget. It's like being a kid again and getting anew toy. Sometimes it's something that's just hilarious or fun; other times it's something so remarkably useful you didn't even know you needed it (but you're always glad you found it).

You can find a little bit of both below--whether you're getting a cool tech toy for yourself or for your favorite geek, you can't go wrong here!

Tech Toys

If you're looking to make your geek space more fun (and functional!), Retractable Earbuds bring the cuteness! Choose from Owl, Ladybug, or Dolphin and enjoy your favorite music or podcast looking adorbs.

The Two-Way Color Changing Pull Light can make a bright spot in a boring room, and the Flex & Hold Phone Mount can come in awfully handy.

Of course, if you're looking for something a little more hands-on, the 6-in-1 Multi Tool Pen is all about it. This bad boy can do just about anything you need it to, from acting as a level to a screwdriver to well, you know, writing.

Talk about useful, the Portable High Speed USB Power Bank is literally power in your pocket. Who isn't reliant on their phone these days, and that low battery warning can be a killer.

And finally, if you think you couldn't have it all, you just hadn't seen theCable Yuck Ties yet. You know that wire spaghetti that happens when there are just too many cords? These ties keep things need and look hysterical. How can you go wrong?

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