The Quirky Gifts Blog

Ah, Summer is here and the sun is shining (hopefully it is)! School is out and it’s time to veg out and kick back with some kick-butt Summer films. Don’t be fooled  by enticing trailers that could turn out to be total duds. We’ve got the hottest (no pun intended) anticipated films of Summer 2016 right here at your disposal.  Looks like a film that cannot be missed – Especially if you are a fan of DC comics! Filled with action and gut wrenching thrills, you can look forward to seeing big actors like Will Smith in this flick.  Hello, again Star Trek. I mean really, need we say more? R.I.P. Anton Yelchin.  This flick will be so fun for adults who grew up watching this flick, and will always ring well with children who have never even heard of..

The post The Hottest Anticipated Films of Summer 2016 appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

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