
Top 7 Eventful Places to Visit on July 4 Independence Day 2015

Fire up the grill and wave the flag high — it’s the Fourth of July! Celebrate Independence Day with fireworks, parades, and other patriotic parties across America at one of these seven eventful places to visit this year:


  1. The National Archives in Washington, DC. On the morning of the Fourth, the National Archives celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence with its annual Fourth of July program, including patriotic music, family activities and entertainment, and a dramatic reading of the Declaration by historical reenactments, followed by a parade. Best of all, it’s free!

Photo via Flickr by Smiley Man with a Hat

  1. Atlantic City Boardwalk in Atlantic City, NJ.On July 3 and 4, Atlantic City showcases a fantastic fireworks show choreographed to music off ocean barges that’s viewable along the beach and boardwalk. Follow up the show with popular patriotic music. While the show is free, the casinos along the boardwalk offer plenty of entertainment, gambling, and fine dining.

Photo via Flickr by ChrisGoldNY

  1. Boston Pops Fireworks in Boston, MA.At the Hatch Shell also on July 3 and 4, the Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular sets off one of the nation’s biggest fireworks show, accompanied by the Boston Pops. The event is free but it’s first come, first served, so arrive early and plan ahead.

Photo via Flickr by jiangning

  1. Philadelphia Fireworks in Philadelphia, PA.Considering it’s the birthplace of the country’s Constitution, Philadelphia has plenty of daytime activities before its parade through the historic city center and concert on the Parkway. See the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall (reserve tickets for $1.50), while the city’s fireworks display takes place over the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Photo via Flickr by Kamil Dziedzina Photos

  1. Mount Rushmore in Keystone, SD.It’s less obvious than a fireworks show, but Mount Rushmore features subdued Fourth of July activities. The nation’s founding fathers are the backdrop to a weekend getaway at the Mount Rushmore National Memorial, including ceremonies celebrating U.S. veterans.

Photo via Flickr by Paul J. Johnson

  1. Disneyland or Disney World in Anaheim, CA or Orlando, FL. Yes, it gets jam packed, but both parks host special fireworks shows that celebrate the red, white, and blue. Plus, these totally iconic American vacation destinations have much more going for them than just “rides”. It may set your bank account back (anywhere from about $100 for the park ticket alone), but it’s worth a trip at least once in a lifetime.

Photo via Flickr by laserbub

  1. Las Vegas Fireworks in Las Vegas, NV.Want to party? Head out to Las Vegas on July 4th and enjoy parties throughout the city. Cost will vary depending on clubs, restaurants, shows, and more, but there are several fireworks displays at night. During the day, stay cool by picking up a pool party pass (between $60 to $100 depending on where you buy it) for the holiday and get into nine different pool parties.

Photo via Flickr by James Marvin Phelps

Practically anywhere in the United States is a rockin’ place to be for this special national holiday – What are your plans for the Fourth of July?

The post Top 7 Eventful Places to Visit on July 4 Independence Day 2015 appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

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