
Top Ideas for Thanksgiving Decorating

Hard to believe that it's already the holidays again,but here's Thanksgiving on our doorstep. Are you ready? Yeah, probably not, but that's okay! No need to panic about getting ready for the holiday, especially when it comes to preparing your home for guests.

You want it to be clean, you want it to look nice, but you don't want to spend all your time decorating for one day, right? Easy--here are a few things you can pick up and add to your decor to make it fresh that won't take up too much of your time.

In the Kitchen

There's a good chance that you and your guests will be spending a fair amount of time in the kitchen this holiday, and you might want to add a few little touches to make it feel like the holidays everywhere (of course, the smell of food will go a loooong way!). 

Remake It! Wine Cork Trivet

Remake It! Wine Cork Trivet

When you're looking for somewhere to put that fresh-out-of-the-oven dish, the perfect trivet can be a godsend, and also a great looking piece of art on your countertop, if you know what to look for.

The Remake It! Wine Cork Trivet is the perfect choice. With a few wine corks and a few minutes of time, you can make it yourself, recycle old corks, and show off a new piece for Thanksgiving. Its rustic appeal is perfect for the holiday, too--and a great host or hostess gift, as well.

Good Measure Recipe Glasses

Good Measure Vodka Glass

There's a reasonable chance if you're hanging out with the other grown-ups in the kitchen, a few cocktails are going to get passed around. The Good Measure Recipe Glasses will keep you straight on making the best possible cocktails. They come in 6 different drink bases:

Well, the last one may be better used the next morning, but either way, you're bound to have good drinks when you use the Good Measure Glasses.

Double Duty on Coasters

Raw Sienna Coasters

So here's the cool thing about coasters, right--they're both super functional at keeping your furniture from looking like a disaster after everyone runs around setting their drinks on it and a great way to add some flare to your space. 

No, really, how much easier does it get than decorative coasters? You can find them in a bunch of cute designs and styles both for the holidays and year round, and they take care of themselves. That is a win for everybody.

Looking for some to try? Check out these:

Square Dancing Coasters Hoot Coasters Sideways Brew Coasters

Around the House

The annoying thing about getting ready for company is that you have to have the whole house ready, and sometimes that's a lot of extra work. Want to freshen up your decor without exhausting yourself? Here are a few things to try:

Decorative Pillows

All We Need is Love Cushion

Need something new, super simple, and ridiculously quick? Switching out your decorative pillows can do wonders for the space and it's literally a 1 minute job. Easy peasy.

Because you can mix and match and find exactly the ones you want, the options are limitless. Here are a few you can try right away:

Surya Decorative Pillow AlaskaHipster PillowSurya Decorative Pillow Halo

A New Lamp--Or Two

Elephant and Company Lamp

A new light fixture can make a world of difference in any room, and switching out just a couple of old lamps for new ones can be just the little touch you need for your holiday decor.

Whether you go for soft and flattering or bold and fun, you can easily find just what you need, like the ones below:

Aunt Fern Table LampPorcelain Gnome Ambient LampDesign Your Own Lamp

Whatever you need to make your home feel more comfortable and fun and warm and ready for the holiday, there are plenty of easy, great gifts that can make it happen!



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