
What’s New in Karma Kiss?

It’s the first of August, just the perfect time to bring you the newest items landing in our Karma Kiss store! We sure hope that you’re having the best of summer. And while you are prodding by the beach or basking under the sun during your vacation, we are filling our shelves with cool and creative items that will make this season more enjoyable. Check out what we’ve got for you in this post!

Have fun playing with your friends and family with our Melissa & Doug Suspend Family Game. This one of a kind play is not just amusing, but it’s perfectly challenging! Balance your way with your set of hook, but you can only use one hand in doing so. Watch out, because if any of the pieces fall, all of them gets to your pile!

Get your cooking done with the Multicolor Silicone Stones Hot Plate Trivet. This product comes from the Lib Design Studio, a creative company that puts in color to the kitchen. 5 colorful, heat-resistant silicone stones are held on a leather cord, just the thing to protect any surface for your hot summer servings.

Summer means partying, and Karma Kiss delivers the most charming party accessories ever! Our Hummingbirds Party Glass Tags are made to gain attention at any gathering. Make your friends’ glasses look as if there are a set of larks humming atop the rims! This is also a nice way to identify whose glass is whose!

Find your sweet fix lightened up with Strawberry Cupcake Tea Light Candle – Set of 6. These tea candles make any summer table all charming.

Stay fashionably on-time with our vintage watches, such as the Vintage Icons Watch – Mustache. This smart watch has a black face and a nice rectangular face. The fun drawings on the face makes this trendier! Karma Kiss wraps this box in a stylish box, perfect to give as a gift for a friend or for yourself.

Charming, don’t you think? We’ve got loads of these wonderful new things coming for you this summer.

For more of our newest items, click the What’s New? tab in our Karma Kiss Store!



The post What’s New in Karma Kiss? appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

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