
5 Tips to Make Holiday Shopping Easier

There’s just not enough time in the next couple of months to do everything that needs to be done, at least that’s what it feels like. Are you in that boat too? The chaos of trying to figure out how to get everything done–especially holiday shopping–can be incredibly overwhelming.

Deep breath, though. There are steps you can take to make things a little easier, starting with your holiday shopping.

Super GiftsYes, Virginia, There is a Budget

First things first, even if it makes you shudder, you have to have a budget. It’s just way too easy to spend without realizing how much is slipping away from you. Make a (reasonable) budget and stick to it as much as possible.

This may be an overall holiday budget, or you might want to specify for different people or groups of people. For instance, you might list how much you’re going to spend on immediate family and then make a separate category for extended family and another for friends.

However you organize it, having a set amount to spend and staying within that amount will help tremendously. It’ll also save you that moment in March when you wonder what happened to all your money.

Make a ListEveryone Likes a Good List, Right?

You know that whole “make a list, check it twice” thing? It’s cliche, but it’s stuck around for so long because it’s really good advice. Make a list to go along with your budget of every single person you want to buy a gift for.

There’s a few things you realize when you make a list: first, maybe you don’t need to buy gifts for everyone. Second, looking for gifts becomes a lot easier when you can just look down the list.

If you know what you plan to give each person, add that to the list as you go, it’ll make shopping that much easier later on. If not, try to do all the ones you do know first, then take some time to consider those you don’t. You may surprise yourself with good gift ideas.

The Internet Knows Everything

The great thing about being connected to everything is that you’re connected to everything. Want to know whether this keyboard or that keyboard is a better value? Or whether the drone your son wants is going to break in the first five minutes? The internet has all the answers.

When you’re shopping, especially for bigger, more expensive items, research is the key. You can check online for comparison prices, reviews, and ratings. If you’re shopping in a store, make sure your phone is charged before you go and don’t be afraid to price check as you go. You never know what deals you might find!The Internet Knows Everything

Online Shopping For the Win

The other great thing about the internet is that you can shop there. You can do literally all of your shopping from behind your keyboard in your pajamas with a cup of coffee. Now that’s a shopping trip anyone can make!

Use the system to your advantage. Do your research online, find the best deals, and then get them on the spot (and delivered to your door–or your recipient’s door!).

It’s hard to beat the convenience of online shopping, and you can find things you never thought you would, from the super useful to the incredibly wacky and everything in between.

Don’t Panic

It sounds silly, but it’s the best advice possible: don’t panic. It’s easy to get super stressed out over the holidays. Worse case scenario, everyone gets an awesome gift card, and no one’s going to turn down one of those.

So take a deep breath, make your budget, make your list, do your research, and enjoy your season!

The post 5 Tips to Make Holiday Shopping Easier appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

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