
Blissful Swan Buckets

Buckets are very helpful tools in gardening.  In spite of its function and common use, we don’t usually see them in elegant looks and colors.  Well, any open container with handle can be used as a bucket. However, the meticulous and the well meaning gardener will choose a bucket that will add up to the beauty of the garden; one that will enhance his interest in careful watering of the plants and one that increases the efficiency of holding and distributing of water to the plants in this nature-inspired landscape.

For these type of gardeners, we offer the elegant and colorful swan watering buckets that are easy to hold and beautiful to look at.  This simple bucket has the form of the beautiful swan which is known for its elegance and majestic movements.  These buckets can stand as eye catching garden accessories when not in use.

These watering buckets are made efficient and functional in the shape and form of the swan.  The wide opened back allows for easy filling of water and the beak serves as the handle.  As you hold the bucket filled with water, you can easily pour its water through its smoothly tapered tail.

When this swan watering bucket cease to perform its function; such as, when after long use it reaches its wear and tear stage, this elegant piece will continue to be of service as a beautiful garden pot to contain selected plants and flowers in the garden.

We see every product in the light of its optimum use.  While we offer it at first as a watering bucket, we are certain that as it ceased to function as a water holding container, it can well be made as a decorative pot, in the future.  This is our way of upholding our mission of recycling and reuse of all our products to save and sustain our one and only environment.

See this product on our Home and Garden category. We have these buckets in different colors, such as pink, lime, whiter and black.

The post Blissful Swan Buckets appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

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