
Don’t Break The Bank!

Saving money offers great values of prudence, responsibility and frugality every parent must teach their children at the onset.  It certainly helps the children, to present him or her with a coin bank of their choice where they can put their savings.  A coin bank must seem very attractive and challenging to the children.  A coin bank must be light in weight for the child to put in the coins and bring the coin bank to its place.  A coin bank must exude delicateness so that the child will not take it as any ordinary toy that can be thrown away and carelessly handled.

This is the reason why we created our coin banks in ceramics.  Our ceramics coin banks bear the forms, colors and shapes of many favorite icons and animals most appealing to children.  They are delicately done to challenge the children to fill them carefully and intently.  Every child will be happy to drop their coins to the ceramic bank because they would love to hear the dropping sound of every coin.  And when the bank is full, they can dramatically break the ceramic, destroying its beautiful form and colors, in exchange of finding out how much they have saved.

This exciting and challenging experience of saving excess coins will enable him to develop many desirable habits in a child such are; the habit of reserving necessary resources for future needs; the habit of making simple sacrifices to save a few coins a day; the habit of choosing the necessary over what is not; and the habit of thinking less of self and more of others.

Thus, with a simple act of giving your child a ceramic coin bank in his favorite color and form will create in him the spirit and the character that will enable him to grow up to be a person of responsibility, prudence and integrity.

Give your child the gift of earning; who knows what dreams he’s about to sow in every coin dropped in the bank. See Karma Kiss’ collection of Ceramic Coin Banks here.

We’ve also listed our other favorite ceramic products in this post!

The post Don’t Break The Bank! appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

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