
Shop 10 of Karmakiss’ Best Sellers Now

Here at Karma Kiss, we love unique gifts and offer innovative and fun items for sale. The 10 gifty things below are stand-outs within those choices that are our BEST SELLERS. While we can’t do the count down in a cool Casey Kasem voice, you can imagine him counting down each fun gift item. Without further ado . . .

Jingle Kitty. Money Kitty. Little Ball of Money Kitty.  Here at Karma Kiss, we love the unique bank as a gift idea. These sweet-faced cats guard your money and add a hint of nostalgia to your desk or nightstand.
A more recent addition to our gift choices, this plate combines Candyland style gaming with clean-your-plate enthusiasm and is great for a toddler or new mom gift.
Funky Key Caps
Always searching for your keys? You won’t lose them again with these key caps that are a little bit funk and a whole lot funk-tional.
Color Wheel Umbrella
Of all the Karma Kiss items, I think this may be my favorite. Who can be sad in the rain when you have your own rainbow overhead at all times, all Pantone-colorwheel-style?
Spa And Herbal Therapy Huggie Bear
Gift giving got you stressed out? Check out our Karma Kiss options and then grin and shop it with this best seller that soothes with warmth and lavender.
Salt & Pepper Shaker Set Garden Gnome
The salt & pepper shaker collector may hard to shop for because they have every shaker set know. This garden gnome set is the stuff of legend. The stuff that Antique Roadshow refers to as a “cross collectible”. People that collect shakers love these. People that like gnomes love them. Gardeners love them. It is a gnome-gnome situation.
Robot Eyeglass Holder
Robot the Robot. If we lose our keys often, reading glasses are the next thing up to be lost. While we don’t have Rosie the Jetsons Robot to follow us around searching for glasses, the Robot Eyeglass Holder helps you set your glasses and forget them in plain sight.
36 Pc Colored PencilsWoodland Carved Pen Set of 4
Writing your Karma Kiss gift list is so much easier when you have the Woodland Carved Pen set to make you smile when you choose a MIL gift. And after shopping, you can use this coloring pencil set to color a mandala or two in your adult coloring book.
Madpax Dinosaur Spikes Full Backpack Purple People-Eater
Later Gator Blew By You Karma Kiss loves fun banks a lot. We might love the Madpax spikes backpacks more. This best seller backpack combines the signature Madpax spikes with a neutral color to make this the perfect back-to-school choice.
Mushroom Madness Eraser Set Of 4
but mushroom-mighty. These mushroom erasers are the best seller choice because their tradability factor in an elementary school classroom. At just $3 each, they are the perfect option to send into a classroom as treasure chest prizes or the perfect summer bribe to keep your kids from playing the he-touched-me game.
What are you waiting for? Shop our best sellers now to be part of the cool crowd!

The post Shop 10 of Karmakiss’ Best Sellers Now appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

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