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New Year’s is just around the corner, and you’ve probably already been asked if you have any New Year resolutions. Resolutions don’t often work for long, yet we make them anyway. This year, shake up your resolution-making. Get away from the long, detailed list, and focus on a few more important and probably more impactful choices that can steer your course differently for the whole year! 1. Meditate All right, meditating sounds like a pretty vague resolution, and that’s mostly because it is. Meditation can mean different things to different people, but the important thing is to take some time during the day to be peaceful, think, and reflect. Your mind needs the recharge, and all those things that would normally be resolutions may fall better into place when you’re coming from a more peaceful mental perspective. 2. Find a..
The post Start the New Year Right! appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
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