
The Quirky Gifts Blog

Did you know that E.T. was originally written as a horror film?  That’s scary enough for its own reasons.  Or that chocolate sauce was used for fake blood in your favorite black and white flicks (dark brown showed up much more dramatically than red on film)?  The thrilling genre of Horror and Slasher movies have thrilled millions for decades – so with the season upon us, we’ve put together a some cool facts about some of your favorite scary movies so you can impress your fearless friends. The Shining [youtube] “Heeeeere’s Johnny!”  Probably one of the most iconic scenes in horror movie history comes out of this Stephen King classic where Jack Nicholson breaks down the door protecting his terrified family with an axe.  And while it is true that most of what you see on screen is flimsy..

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A star consistently shining under the winter sky is this ambient lamp from Artecnica. Dubbed as the Starlightz, this decorative fixture is a splash of neon and classic vibe, adding an unusual radiance to any space. Handcrafted and eco-friendly, it’s the perfect item to spark up your room or desk into something more magical. Kaleidoscopic lights are emitted from the star-shaped lamp when a halogen bulb is turned on. Starlightz is 100% burn proof; there’s no need to be scared about having this item burned and scorched over long periods of use. The material is wood-free and is hand-made in India. What’s more, it’s UL listed and is GS-marked for safety. The product comes in a flat pack and can be easily assembled by any user. See the video below and watch this item put together:  

The post Product Spotlight: Starlightz Ambient Star Lamp appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
