The Quirky Gifts Blog

With Halloween fast approaching, Homer Simpson and the family are gearing up for the festivities. Of course, we are all looking forward to the Simpson’s Treehouse of Horror tales this year, a traditional rite of passage into the macabre. But that got us to thinking about just what kind of advice or tips would Homer have to share with his fellow revelers? Well, not surprising, Homer indeed had a suggestion or two (actually, closer to 25, but we have limited space here). Simple and straight to the point, Homer Jay Simpson presents his personal rules for successful trick-or-treating. Rule #1 Halloween is About Donuts Don’t let anyone else try to convince you that Halloween is about scary stuff because it isn’t. It’s about good, tasty, delicious stuff – like donuts. If you really want to liven up the neighborhood and..

The post Homer Simpson’s Rules for Trick or Treating appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
