
The Quirky Gifts Blog

It’s not surprising that the kids are pulling out their Christmas stockings and hanging it somewhere inside your home. Some have only small wishes like a little trinket or candy, but there are also those with great demands like the new remote control plane or the newest doll series. Either ways, you’re obliged to fill it up—in case Santa doesn’t—so your kids wouldn’t go disappointed. If you’re wondering what to stash it with, you’ve come to the right place. Karma Kiss has a collection of unique and gifty things you can use to load up those empty stockings and put a smile on a kid’s face. Check out these suggestions: Is your kid hooked on solving the Rubiks cube? Well here’s another game he’ll surely like! The Mini Bamboo Brainteaser Puzzles offers a fun new experience for the curious young..

The post Stashing for the Stocking Stuffers appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.

Add a new charm to your kitchen and dining experience with the Animal Parade Seasoning Shaker Set. Taking a new spin in the term “season,” these loveable animals represent their own weather. The cuddly rabbit stands for spring, camel for the hot summer, the graceful deer for autumn and the polar bear for the cold winter. All of them sits together in a white plastic tray, housed in their own “snowglobe” which turns into a wonderful play whenever you shake the seasoning out of their shaker. Trod into the endearing animal parade march by bringing these creatures into your table. Your dining experience will definitely be more fun, and flavorful having them around! The shaker set is made with different hole sizes; use it for salt, pepper, mixed herbs, sugar or even chili. Buy this item on Karma Kiss >>

The post Product Spotlight: Animal Parade Seasoning Shaker Set appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
