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You know the old saying – a picture is worth a thousand words? So, how many words is an interactive 3D tour of our cool new store in Alameda, CA worth? Must be a gazillion, right? Thanks to the amazing Emily Olman from Hopscotch Interactive (you can find them on Facebook or at @hopscotch_biz on Twitter), you can now tour our Alameda store and tell us how you like (or not so much) it, give us some feedback, and also find ideas for unique gifts without getting out of your cozy warm house. Share your thoughts with us: Twitter: @krmkss Facebook: or email: Here it is, enjoy:
The post 3D Tour of the Karma Kiss Store in Alameda, CA appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
Another great holiday is upon us! No, it’s not Thanksgiving. It’s Sandwich day! Celebrated November 3rd, sandwich day is the perfect moment to celebrate your love for all food thats made with two slices of bread. There are some great ways you can embrace the day! 1. Try an Experimental Recipe Sandwiches are so much fun because you can literally put anything you’d like on them! People experiment all the time with sandwich recipes. Every thought of adding sauerkraut to a chicken sandwich? Or maybe you want to mix tofu and roast beef! Whatever it is that sounds delicious to you, today is the day to give it a try. The worst that happens is you don’t like it, the best thing that happens is you LOVE it! Who knows, maybe your new recipe could be the next big thing?..
The post 6 Yummy Ideas For Sandwich Day appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
Halloween is just around the corner! For some people it is their favorite holiday and getting spooky, fun gifts for them is just what you’re looking for. All under $15, you’ll make someone’s day and stay within budget! 1. This awesome little key ring not only gives you light, but roars while he does it! Who doesn’t want a pocket dragon for Halloween? It’s great for kids or for kids at heart! 2. If someone you know is throwing a great party, why not help them out with Halloween wine bottle stickers? This pack of stickers fits around most wine bottles, giving them fun and creepy new labels. Or, wrap a bottle of wine before you bring it to a house party! Either way, it makes a great gift! 3. We all know a person who collect shot..
The post The Complete 2014 Halloween Gift Guide – 20 Tiny Treats Under $15 appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
Add a new charm to your kitchen and dining experience with the Animal Parade Seasoning Shaker Set. Taking a new spin in the term “season,” these loveable animals represent their own weather. The cuddly rabbit stands for spring, camel for the hot summer, the graceful deer for autumn and the polar bear for the cold winter. All of them sits together in a white plastic tray, housed in their own “snowglobe” which turns into a wonderful play whenever you shake the seasoning out of their shaker. Trod into the endearing animal parade march by bringing these creatures into your table. Your dining experience will definitely be more fun, and flavorful having them around! The shaker set is made with different hole sizes; use it for salt, pepper, mixed herbs, sugar or even chili. Buy this item on Karma Kiss >>
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We’re counting off the last days of September, but we’re still bringing you new and nice items in our store. Here at Karma Kiss, we plan on always giving you the freshest ideas for the most novel gift you can find and give. There’s already aplenty back in our store, but we’re continuously uncovering great brands for you and your loved ones to enjoy. Take a look at some of our charming new items. Won’t you be surprised? Interested to get inked but wouldn’t dare to have it forever? Tattoo lovers will definitely enjoy the brand Tattly, a collection of amazingly crafted but temporary emblems you can put on your skin. Just like the Tattly Temporary Tattoos – Nautical Set, you can get to be a real sailor and have your ink off whenever you want to. Here’s a lot..
The post New in this week! Tattoos, Twitters and Tornadoes! appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
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