The Quirky Gifts Blog

You know the old saying – a picture is worth a thousand words? So, how many words is an interactive 3D tour of our cool new store in Alameda, CA worth? Must be a gazillion, right? Thanks to the amazing Emily Olman from Hopscotch Interactive (you can find them on Facebook or at @hopscotch_biz on Twitter), you can now tour our Alameda store and tell us how you like (or not so much) it, give us some feedback, and also find ideas for unique gifts without getting out of your cozy warm house. Share your thoughts with us: Twitter: @krmkss Facebook: or email: Here it is, enjoy:

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It’s happening right now, on this very moment! Days ago, we hinted about a few special perks for our lovely Karma Kiss fans, and here’s the first one! Blog followers and avid customers, we bring you a one of a kind promo that allows makes every contributor a winner! Let me dub this as Shop, Snap & Win! Have you ever bought a Karma Kiss item before or are you thinking to buy one, right now? It may just be the best time to do so! The Mechanics Grab your Karma Kiss Item and pucker up for your best selfie with it! Post the photo in our Facebook page with a bit of a message why you love this Karma Kiss Product A $10 Gift Card is given to everyone who manages to upload it in our Facebook Page during..

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  • 1 min read

Happy Monday everyone! I’m bringing you good news at the opening of the week. This 2014 is opening new doors, and presents, for us all! Here it goes: For those of you who have been following our blog, I bet you are already aware of our Monthly GC Giveaways. C’mon, winners, raise your hands! But this time, we’re changing things up a bit. And I mean, better! Last year, we gave away either a $10 or $15 Gift Certificate for one lucky winner per month. We even had surprise seasonal gifts too! This year, it’s going to be more special. And you’ll have plenty of time to join and enjoy our raffle with our upcoming programs. We’re putting the contest on hold during winter, as everyone tries to warm themselves up. But get your fingers ready at the arrival of..

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  • 2 min read
