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In Copernicus’ day, a fun Earth Day fact might have been: The earth is flat. End of story. In the 21st century, we not only know the earth is NOT flat, we also have an entire day devoted to our planet. Here are 15 fun facts to help you celebrate an earth that won’t you drop you off into the universe if you walk to far. 15. Start from the beginning. The first Earth Day was held April 22, 1970. Tree huggers and bell bottoms were as important as saving the earth. 14. That first Earth Day was the catalyst for the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in December of the same year. 13. Earth Day initiatives have also resulted in the passage of the Clean Water, Clean Air and Endangered Species acts. Save the whales and the..
The post 15 Fun Facts About Earth on Earth Day appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
It can be a hard Earth Day (night) when you examine our planet home more carefully. While Casey Kasem may have counted down the top 10 current songs, this list takes a look at 11 Earth Day facts that sing of Earth’s ups and downs. 1. Complaining about recent temperature fluctuations? Earth is a fickle planet temperature-wise. Be happy that you aren’t in the coldest or the hottest spots that have tested the mercury. While El Azizia, Libya recorded a scorching 136 degrees F, Earth was not to be outdone and sent a frigid minus 128.6 F degree temperature to Antarctica’s Vostok station. Snowbird retirees might head to Florida in the winter but not to 136 degrees Libya. 2. If Elvis is still alive and rocking in Memphis, Michael Jackson (or at least his dance moves) still slide..
The post 11 Facts About Earth Day That Will Keep You Up at Night appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
It’s not a secret that the Earth is slowly changing; to be specific, degrading. We’ve heard all about it in the news: climate change, greenhouse gasses, and the gradual depletion of the natural resources we have forgotten to replenish over time. The sad stories of earthquakes, tsunamis, harsh storms and surprisingly strange weather occurrences are becoming more and more common. But there’s still hope. If we could change some of the ways we were accustomed to, we might get to live in a planet where there are less threats and more comfort, especially for the future generation. Karma Kiss celebrates Earth Day, and as we head on to a new season, we may perhaps take a handful from these reminders and contribute to the Earth’s well-being. We have listed 10 (taken from the many) smart ways to ease energy consumption..
The post Earth Day: 10 Practical Ways You Can Save The Environment appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
April 22nd marks the annual observance of Earth Day. This is an occasion that is celebrated across the world. The idea is to bring awareness and support to environmental concerns. With so many challenges to keeping our environment safe, Earth Day stands as a constant reminder of the vigilance that is necessary in order to maintain a healthy place to live. The celebration is often a festive and educational experience. Karma Kiss, of course, is well positioned to help you mark the occasion properly and in style. Not only does Karma Kiss have a wide selection of unique items that can certainly be utilized to recognize Earth Day, but happen to be environmentally friendly as well. Green and Crafty Take, for example, the Remake It! Magazine Envelopes. This is exactly the type of unique and productive item that can be..
The post Earth Day 2013 appeared first on Karma Kiss Blog.
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