
The Quirky Gifts Blog

There’s something wonderful about coming home, curling up on the couch with your favorite book or starting a movie, a soft pillow supporting you as you slip away into a fantasy… Oh, c’mon, even if all you do is fall asleep five minutes later, you know that pillow is where it’s at. Most of the time you set it out to look nice for your friends, but when it’s there you’re definitely going to use it. And you should!  Surya Decorative Pillows If you’re looking for something that fits on all levels: looks both trendy and classic, elegant and fun, you’ll find it in these pillows. From the Life Is Beautiful typographic pillow pictured above to the Bright Sunflower or Halo designs, you can find one that fits your home perfectly. Hipster Throw Pillow If funny, tongue-in-cheek humor is your..

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  • 1 min read

Any salesman can tell you that his products are the best. That’s why you ask the people around you for suggestions when you’re considering buying or trying something new, right? Getting real opinions from customers is super important. Check out these comments from real KarmaKiss customers, and check out the products for yourself in the links below! Ceramic Robot Vase It’s a unique choice all the way around–there aren’t too many Ceramic Robot Vases running around out there. Don’t worry about him hacking your system; this particular robot prefers to display your favorite plants on the top of his head. Candy Bar Pens If you’ve ever fallen victim to Disappearing Pens–you know, the way your pens somehow magically vanish off of your desk all the time–the Candy Bar Pen Set fixes the problem in an awfully cute way. These pens look like candy and it’s..

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Joining our league of wonderfully curated brands is Alexandra Ferguson, a name associated with amazing accent pillows. This proudly Made In The USA company is spearheaded by a woman who has a deep conviction for saving the earth with beautiful home accessories that are mean to brighten up your day. Alexandra Ferguson Pillows are made in recycled materials, using felt and polyfill inserts. Covers are made from fabrics that can easily be spot cleaned, for the fussy, neat-freaks who wants their items to be sparkling clean. During the years, Alexandra Ferguson Pillows have gained attention from many home magazines, including Detroit Home and Conde Nast Traveler. Why We Love Alexandra Ferguson Products The answer is simple. We love anything that makes a home more homey. And what’s more, is that these pillows do the talking whenever we can’t! Filled with..

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  • 1 min read

Enter loud, happy squeal: It’s September! And a whole new month means a whole new anticipation for a whole new bunch of things to come into our lives. And speaking of new things, we mean presents. We mean gifts. We mean being remembered and appreciated and loved. And we at Karma Kiss could not be much happier than whipping you up with the good stuff to gift yourself and your loved ones. September 1st falls into the day where every employee, boss, freelancer and any kind of worker gets honored; after all, it’s Labor Day! In the span of 365 Days a year, we have one special celebration for everyone who worked for their living, who became their family’s breadwinner, and those who did everything to pursue their dreams into the wide, wide world. You who have toiled for days..

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  • 2 min read

Landing fresh on the Karma Kiss’ Spring 2014 shore is Surya, a vertically-integrated manufacturer of home accessories. It has been around for more than 35 years, with its brand associated with luxury products created with high quality craftsmanship and innovation. Where it all began When the Federated Group, now known as Macy’s, went to visit India to discover handmade products for its stores, Surya Tiwari made a bold approach at the prospect. The Indian teacher in the village of Ugapur has become a businessman, helping his countrymen creating lavish, decorative products for the home that can be sold all over the US. Surya managed to start with a small launch, but his products captured the eyes of many retailers abroad that he gained more patrons. The Surya brand was created in 1976 and has now expanded into a full-blown brand..

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  • 1 min read

Two popular people have landed in the Karma Kiss shore, and anyone is entitled to give them a good, big welcoming hug! You can squeeze them as hard or as soft as you want without taking the breath out of them—they’re cute and cuddly, and much more—famous! Wondering who they are? Meet the two celebrities we’ve got, in a seriously cottony state! You might have heard all about him in your science class, and there’s no doubt that this amazing tinkerer has contributed an electrifying feat in our modern society. If you’re dreaming to be a genius like him, you can have him set up in your room and allow his stately inspiration get into your ideas. This popular person is known for his music and his moustache, and who can forget how macho this rocker is? For any fan..

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